August 2nd, A Boy and His Dream Charity Workout
The A BOY AND HIS DREAM Foundation charity workout this past Sunday was an epic success! Thank you, everyone, who participated to support our cause, we appreciate you all!
As a result of this success, we are able to help more Chicago children achieve their educational goals. Everyone is suffering from this pandemic. It has taken a toll on us in more ways than we could have imagined, and our children especially need our help now, more than ever. Any gift donation, no matter what size is going directly to Chicago children. You can donate here!
Thank you to our sponsors:
Gibsons Italia (Gibsons Restaurant Group)
Dr. Yashar Ghoreshi (Advanced Health & Pain Center)
Anna Hagopian and Sol Solis (Mera Bites)
Heather Leneau Bragg, MA (john greene Realtor)
Sunny Biggy Fitness
Kathryn Ziegler (KLZ Method)
Alexandria Maruska
Nicolette St. Angel
Main Event Real Estate
Our Anonymous Donors - you know who you are
Thank you to our event planning committee: Alexandria Maruska, Kathryn Ziegler, and Grisel Acosta
Thank you to our A BOY AND HIS DREAM Scholarship recipient: Grisel Acosta
#aboyandhisdream #charityworkout #givingback #aboyandhisdreamfoundation #supportingchicagochildren

Photo Credit @NPPix