Sunny Biggy Fitness Client Transformation in 45 days!

45 days ago, this client signed up with Sunny Biggy Fitness seeking help with her Fitness and Nutrition routine. With a total revamp of both her workouts and diet, she already achieved incredible results, as you can see below. Amazing progress in less than two months. Pounds lost: 14

Sunny Biggy Fitness provides value, and the results prove it. Join the Sunny Biggy Fitness team today for your personalized fitness and nutrition journey!

Click here to schedule your consultation and learn more about our custom programs.

Feel the Burn and Achieve Results with Sunny Biggy Fitness!

The Stockton Cafe.png

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A Boy and His Dream Foundation Charity Workout was an Epic Success!

August 2nd, A Boy and His Dream Charity Workout

August 2nd, A Boy and His Dream Charity Workout

The A BOY AND HIS DREAM Foundation charity workout this past Sunday was an epic success! Thank you, everyone, who participated to support our cause, we appreciate you all!

As a result of this success, we are able to help more Chicago children achieve their educational goals. Everyone is suffering from this pandemic. It has taken a toll on us in more ways than we could have imagined, and our children especially need our help now, more than ever. Any gift donation, no matter what size is going directly to Chicago children. You can donate here!

Thank you to our sponsors:
Gibsons Italia (Gibsons Restaurant Group)
Dr. Yashar Ghoreshi (Advanced Health & Pain Center)
Anna Hagopian and Sol Solis (Mera Bites)
Heather Leneau Bragg, MA (john greene Realtor)
Sunny Biggy Fitness
Kathryn Ziegler (KLZ Method)
Alexandria Maruska
Nicolette St. Angel
Main Event Real Estate
Our Anonymous Donors - you know who you are

Thank you to our event planning committee: Alexandria MaruskaKathryn Ziegler, and Grisel Acosta

Thank you to our A BOY AND HIS DREAM Scholarship recipient: Grisel Acosta
#aboyandhisdream #charityworkout #givingback #aboyandhisdreamfoundation #supportingchicagochildren

Photo Credit @NPPix

Charity Workout for A Boy and His Dream Foundation - Sunday, August 2nd


Sunny Akhigbe is not only the CEO and Founder of Sunny Biggy Fitness, but he is also the Founder of A Boy and His Dream Foundation. Sunny has dedicated his life to giving back to underprivileged youth.

Join A BOY AND HIS DREAM foundation’s first ever virtual/in-person event to help raise money for Chicago students. You’ll be experiencing a fun and exhilarating 45-minute workout with founder, Sunny Akhigbe. ❤️

Date: Sunday, August 2nd

Time: 10:00am Central

Cost: $20

Location: Gibsons Italia 2nd floor - outside patio. 233 N. Canal Street - take the outdoor stairs or elevator to the outdoor space overlooking the river.

Get your tickets HERE!

The pandemic has brought so much suffering. Our children need us now more than ever. Please join us for this event in person or virtually via Zoom Video Communications to show your support for our Chicago children. If you can't make the event, please consider a monthly or one-time donation to A Boy and His Dream Foundation. Any size donation goes directly to the children. You can donate here!

Don't forget your masks and water. We'll be practicing social distancing.

We will be sending out a Zoom link to all participants the day before the event.

Thank you, Gibsons Italia for hosting this event outside on your patio!

Thank you, Advanced Health and Pain Centers, and KLZ Method for sponsoring the cool water bottles! Thank you, Mera Bites for donating your deliciously healthy cookies!

A Boy and His Dream Foundation seeks to provide youth the ability to take charge of their lives, and overcome obstacles and adversities. The determination to succeed, no matter the cost, is a story we believe is one that gives hope. A Boy and His Dream Foundation focuses to give back to communities the opportunities and knowledge to be successful and healthy. We achieve this through feeding the homeless, speaking events, and educating our youth through pro bono workshops on local, national and international levels. Our goal is to inspire struggling youth to realize there is hope for their future, and to inspire change. We hope you join us on this journey.

Thank you, Gibsons Italia, KLZ Method, Advanced Health & Pain Center, and Mera Bites!

Thank you, Gibsons Italia, KLZ Method, Advanced Health & Pain Center, and Mera Bites!

Corporate Wellness Programs - Partnering with CDL 1000

Here is the Inspiration part!! Thank you, CDL 1000 For choosing SUNNY BIGGY FITNESS for your Corporate Wellness program.

We are thrilled to have the opportunity to work with the dedicated professionals of CDL 1000. Our corporate wellness programs are vital to the health of any business. Your employees are your most important asset and keeping them healthy, stress-free, and happy is not only important but critical. Especially with all the uncertainty around the pandemic, the last thing you want is your employees to be making poor choices for their health.

Empower your employees, give them something to look forward to so that they can continue to be productive and excited about their work. As you can see from these videos, the CDL 1000 employees are having a blast working out with SUNNY BIGGY FITNESS.

Contact us here for more information on a custom corporate wellness program for your organization! SUNNY BIGGY FITNESS is personal, professional, and dedicated to the wellbeing of all clients.



Are you Feeling the Burn?

COVID-19 has greatly impacted all of our lives in one way or another. The best way to deal with stress and anxiety is to incorporate a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and routine exercise. Check out our FEEL THE BURN video series to catch a glimpse of how much fun you’ll have working out with Sunny Biggy. Let’s feel the summer burn together. Click here to schedule a fitness and/or nutrition consultation.

Feel the Summer Burn with Sunny Biggy Ep.6


Check out the full FEEL THE BURN video series here!

Free Saturday Morning Bootcamp with Sunny and Kay

Free Saturday Bootcamp with Sunny and Kay

Meet Virtually or Outside (with social distancing)

Time: 11:30am 

Physical location: UIC Sports Training Center right by 14th Pl & Halsted (don’t forget your mask!)

Virtual Location: Join Zoom Meeting here!

If you haven’t already met Sunny and Kay, now’s your chance to connect with these fitness powerhouses and workout with them! They offer a free weekly Saturday morning Bootcamp class to help you get your weekend started on the right track. 

What you need: a mask, water, 5lb dumbbells (don’t worry if you don’t have weights - you can use your body weight), a mat

You can join remotely via Zoom or outside (socially distant) at the UIC Sports Training Center at 14th Pl & Halsted.

Learn more about Sunny Akhigbe and Sunny Biggy Fitness here!

Learn more about Kay Yasin and LIFFT by KAY here!

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Password: 111111

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Fitness and Nutrition for Older Adults - The Importance of Good Nutrition

We know that a few critical reasons why people are not adequately nourishing their bodies or exercising are they don’t know what to do or how to get started. Making a healthy lifestyle change can be daunting, especially after many years of poor eating and exercise. You can’t change your past, but you can drive your future.

No matter what age you are, it is never too late to turn around years of bad habits. It is essential to take care of your body and your mind. Still, especially when we get older, it is even more critical because, as our bodies age, we experience muscle loss, lower metabolic rates. 

Your nutrition is the fuel that helps keep your body moving at its best, giving you the ability to breathe, move, and think properly. A balanced diet provides the essential nutrition to help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, protein, carbs, and other nutrients you need daily. Too much of one nutrient or too little of another and the delicate balance is thrown off.

What is Good Nutrition?

Good nutrition means your body receives all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs to work its best. Make sure to plan your meals and snacks to include nutrient-dense foods that are also low in calories.

Most people know good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight, but the benefits of good nutrition go well beyond weight. Good nutrition can help:

  • Reduces the risk of some diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, stroke, some cancers, and osteoporosis

  • Reduce high blood pressure

  • Lower high cholesterol

  • Improve your well being

  • Improve your ability to fight off illness

  • Improve your ability to recover from injury

  • Increase your energy level

A Few Tips for Eating Well

Eat plenty of fresh fruit

To get the benefit of the natural fiber in fruits, you should eat whole fruits rather than consume fruit juices.

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables

Eat a variety of colors and types of vegetables daily. Think of the colors of a rainbow and incorporate as many colors as possible into your daily diet.

Eat plenty of whole grains

At least half of the cereals, bread, crackers, and pasta you consumer should be made from whole grains.

Choose low fat or fat-free milk

These milk options provide calcium and vitamin D to help keep your bones healthy and strong.

Choose lean meats

Lean cuts of meat and poultry have less fat and far fewer calories but are still excellent sources of protein.

Try other sources of protein

Replace meats and poultry with fish, beans, or tofu.

You may have heard some of the above before, but what we often hear from our older adult clients is that they have lost interest in eating and cooking. We know that small changes can help you overcome some of the challenges with eating well.


How to fix 5 common eating problems

  1. Food no longer tastes good

    Experiment with new recipes that incorporate different herbs and spices. Often, certain medicines can affect your appetite and or sense of smell and taste. Consult your doctor.

  2. Difficulty with chewing

    Try softer foods like cooked vegetables, beans, eggs, applesauce, and/or canned fruit. Speak with your doctor or dentist if you have a problem with your teeth or gums.

  3. Poor digestion

    Talk to your doctor or registered dietician to determine which foods to avoid while maintaining a balanced diet.

  4. Eating alone

    Try dining out with family, friends, or neighbors. See if your local senior center hosts group meals.

  5. Difficulty shopping or cooking

    Check with our local senior center to see if they offer programs that can help you with shopping or preparing healthy meals.

The first step to a successful and healthy nutrition routine is to consult with a professional. Sunny Biggy Fitness will identify and outline a custom nutrition and fitness program based on your age, lifestyle, and personal goals. The sooner you get started on a program, the sooner you will feel better, look better, and be healthier mentally and physically. We are here to help you every step of the way on your nutrition and fitness journey. Click here to schedule your free nutrition consultation with Sunny Biggy Fitness!
