Sunny Biggy Fitness Workout Space IG Contest

Happy New Year!

At the end of 2020, we challenged Sunny Biggy Fitness clients to share with us their at-home workout space. Many people are reluctant to work out in their homes because they are not used to doing it, however, now more than ever, we need to be consistently exercising and thoughtful in our nutrition. We need our bodies healthy to fight the flu, COVID19, and other infections.

For all of us, 2020 brought about major disruption from a professional and personal perspective. Many of us are now working at home, homeschooling, and for most of us, we are not getting enough exercise. Add on unsatisfactory weather, consuming too much alcohol and sweets, and this ugly combination can quickly bring on depression and anxiety. Eating properly and following a fitness routine is essential and will help your mind and body. You can do all of this from the safety of your home.

As you can see, these Sunny Biggy Fitness clients have created space in their homes where they dedicate part of their day to their health by working out with Sunny Biggy. No matter what size your living space is, you can make it work for exercise. Need any helpful tips on how to make that happen, let us know.

Now, for the winners of the Sunny Biggy Fitness at-home workout space contest! We decided to award seven winners with Sunny Biggy Fitness swag. YAY!


  • Bita Lak - IG @bita_lak_esq

  • Jessica - IG @ginger_lingo

  • Darion - IG @noirads

  • Sara - IG @mcveywit

  • Alexandria - IG @alexandriamaruska

  • Natalie - IG @dvmmomofthree

  • Rohan - IG @rohan_nigam

Thank you to all our participants. Stay tuned for some more fun contests in 2021.

Ready to get 2021 started off on the right health path? Schedule your Sunny Biggy Fitness consultation today!